Episode 137 – Litsy, Ads For Everyone, and the Future of Audio

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Question of the Week: Now that the exclusivity requirement is dropped, will you try KDP Ads with your non-exclusive books? Why or why not? Also, what book should Abigail review next for our new segment?

Back from his day at the polls, Jim joined Bryan to talk tips on hustling, writing a novel quickly, and reader social network Litsy. After thanking their patrons, Chris Syme (and her book Sell More Books With Less Social Media http://amzn.to/2dRIefz ), David King (and his book Hitler Out of Time http://www.hitleroutoftime.com/amazon ), and Simon Goodson (and his book Wanderer’s Escape http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZ7YSFQ ), the troublesome pair took on stories about book covers, European ebook lending, post-election book bumps, KU Australia, the future of audio, and Amazon’s new policy on KDP Ads. This week’s Question of the Week: Now that the exclusivity requirement is dropped, will you try KDP Ads with your non-exclusive books? Why or why not? Also, what book should Abigail review next for our new segment?
What You’ll Learn:
  • What authors can learn from the habits of successful professionals
  • How authors can write a book in five days’ time
  • How authors can use Litsy to connect with readers
  • Why computers were trained to judge books by their covers
  • What library patrons in the EU can expect when renting ebooks
  • How the election season affected third quarter sales and what’s next
  • What Australian Amazon users can expect from Kindle Unlimited
  • How Adobe’s new audio editing app can manipulate speech
  • How more authors can now advertise on Amazon
Question of the Week: When did you figure out that you were meant to be a self-publishing author, and what made you determine this?

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